Our Story

I come from a family of 9 kids. My parents had their first 5 children in 4 years. They were able to get pregnant while even using birth control, so growing up it never crossed my mind - that strange word that has come to categorize my life in so many ways - infertility. 

I didn't mean for it to shape my life, but I see things differently now. The journey to hear has been 8 long years and has been filled with surprises, highs and lows and all that comes somewhere between those. After years of trying for a baby and many tests later, we discovered we both had issues affecting our chances of getting pregnant. I was also diagnosed with a severe case of endometriosis, which involved multiple surgeries and ups and downs from the emotional and physical issues that this brought. 

I have one ovary left.  The other was removed in a c-section like procedure that left me down and out for several weeks.  My last remaining ovary also started growing cysts and I needed surgery on December 8, 2010 to remove multiple polyps/fibroids to fully get the uterus ready for growing a baby.  We were told that the last ovary would need to be removed eventually and that if we wanted to try for a baby of our own via In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) that we needed to do it soon.  

That brings us to now.  The uterus has been readied and we are in the throws of IVF - both emotionally, physically, and financially.  We could use all the support we can get.  If you're able to assist us in any way, please visit our donate page.