Sunday, March 20, 2011


I guess it has been a little while since I have updated this blog and should probably start off with that statement. We found out on Jason’s Birthday (best birthday gift ever- I’m never going to be able to top this one). It was confirmed a week later that I was truly pregnant. Exciting time!

We need to thank all the people that have contributed so much to this success. It is such a miracle that we were even able to get to this point. We cannot believe all the love, all the support and all the help that we have received. We feel so blessed that we have been surrounded by those we love during this time. Our prophet of our church reminds us to be grateful, and I cannot express my gratitude enough for everything that I have been given. But there is no way any of this would be possible if it weren’t for our Heavenly Father. We know that it is through him that we have been so blessed.

I am going to save the scary moments for my next post called mixed blessings. However, there has been many fun and exciting moments that I need to share in this post.

Since we did In-Vitro, we were able to have an Ultra Sound at 6 weeks to find out how many babies we were pregnant with. So on March 11th, we were able to see our little ONE (yes only one baby). We are actually very relieved that there is only one baby as if we had had more, it would have been overwhelming. We are at peace with the one baby and feel blessed to even be pregnant with one.

Beaker 6 weeks 4 days

(Side note, several people have asked what happened to our second embryo that was implanted. They don’t know, probably my body absorbed it back. I am not concerned about it.)

Our little baby Beaker is perfect in our eyes. We were very lucky to not only see, but hear the heartbeat (very few people are able to that early) which was 122bpm. He is so cute, ok, not really. He actually looks like an alien. We have had a few more Ultra Sounds since then (see post above as to why) and he is still growing strong. He was up to 9mm in size and the heartbeat was up to 148bpm on Wednesday 3-16-11.

Beaker 7 weeks 2 days

Again, I need to thank everyone who has continued to pray with us, fast with us, cry with us, and still be there 100% behind. There is no way we could ever pay back the blessings we have received this year, we just hope that one day we will be able to help others the way we have been helped.

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